The Schryver Family

Gary Daw's Yamaha FG-360




The first email came from Gary Daw on January 30, 2016.

Are you still actively compiling information on Model FG-360 guitars?

I own an FG-360, which I purchased probably in 1974 or 1975. It is a tan label Nippon Gakki, Made in Japan with the initials "NK" below the label. The serial number appears to be 40307, although the last digit could possibly be a 1.

I was searching for information on this model because I have considered having it converted to acoustic-electric with a saddle pickup, maybe not a good idea if the guitar is vintage. I've tried sound-hole pickups, but nothing so far that is compatible with my church's sound system.

My contact information is:

Gary Daw

Our thanks to Gary for sharing this info.


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