Mike Durkin's Yamaha FG-360




I received the first e-mail from Mike Durkin on August 4, 2014. Here is his story:

Hi David,

I have a Yamaha FG 360 and always wanted to know more about it as I have never seen another one.
I purchased it used in 1975 and it is my first good acoustic guitar.
The s/n is 40118 and it has a tan label with made in Japan.  Also has N.K. burned into the wood of the back brace.
I got it from a music dealer who used it himself for a year and then sold it to me.
He claimed that it was the Yamaha reps demonstrator for the new model.
Has a great sound and over the years several people offered to buy it from me but no sale.
I was told that it was all solid wood and never knew if that was true but it does sound good….
If there is anything else that I can help you with just send me a msg..

Mike Durkin

Our thanks to Mike for sharing his story with us.




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