Jeff Terrell's Yamaha FG-360

I received this e-mail from Jeff Terrell on December 27, 2011.  Here is his story:
Hi David:

I saw your website and wanted to tell you about my Yamaha.

I don't know much about the guitar itself, but the history is kind of fun. See attached pictures, as well as the original tag that came with the guitar.  I bought it new, probably in 1975, at Apex Music in downtown San Diego--long gone now. They had a selection  of 15 FG-360s and I tried every one of them.  Mine was the sweetest, or course. I exchanged the original tuners for silver Grover tuners, that matched the old screw holes.  I had it re-fretted in 2001 or so.  SN is 41219726.  I had a pick-up installed (gigged for a few years) at American Dream music around 1976.  There's a good chance that the guitar tech at American Dream was Bob Taylor (Taylor Guitars), as he certainly worked there. The tone is still magic.  It is a keeper.

Jeff Terrell
San Diego, CA

Our thanks to Jeff for sharing his story with us.


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