Hawaii ... October 22 - November 1, 2014

Kristin and Mel moved to Honolulu, Hawaii in April 2014 when Mel was relocated to Tripler Army Medical Center.  The following was taken from a Wikipedia entry:  "Tripler Army Medical Center is the headquarters of the Pacific Regional Medical Command of the armed forces administered by the United States Army in the state of Hawaii. It is the largest military hospital in the Asian and Pacific Rim region and serves a military sphere of jurisdiction that spans over 52% of the Earth's surface. Located on the slopes of Moanalua Ridge overlooking the Honolulu neighborhoods of Moanalua and Salt Lake, Tripler Army Medical Center's massive coral pink structure can be seen from any point in the Honolulu District.

Wednesday October 22 was a travel day.  

Due to the number of pictures we took, we have created separate pages for each event







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