2014, we made our first winter trip to Florida and spent seven
weeks there. The next year, we upped this to 11 weeks.
By this time we decided that we would officially become
"snow-birds" and buy our own place but we still weren't certain
exactly what area we wanted to buy in. Also, at that
point, although we had moved full-time to Pillar Point, we still
owned our long-time Edwards home and wanted that sold before we
invested in another place. Our house in Edwards was sold
in October 2015, so we knew we would, at least casually, be
looking on our next trip south.
December 28, 2015, we left northern New York, bound for
Zephyrhills. We were renting that winter from good friends
who owned a place in Tippecanoe Village, on the south side of
this city.
We immediately got a good feeling about this
community and after looking at a number of homes in three
different 55+ communities, decided that we would really like to
locate here, if the right property came along. After
looking at a half-dozen places here, that did happen.
We closed on March 8 and moved in the next morning. The
next few days were spent cleaning, settling in and changing a
few small things. We have since painted through the house
and made some improvements there and done some fairly extensive
renovations in the shed area, changing and completing some
unfinished areas.
Click here to see more pictures
of the house.