The Schryver Family
About Us
This is the web site of the David and Marcia Schryver family of Dexter, New York.  Many years ago, we decided that we wanted to organize the photographs we had taken over the years as a record of our family and our life.  Since we never got around to doing that, this web site is our "on-line scrapbook."
Our Life

We were married in 1978.  One week after our wedding, we moved into a home on the Talcville Road in Edwards.  It had been Marcia's grandparents' home for almost 30 years and we ended up raising our family and living there for over 34-1/2 years.  We sold the house in October 2015 after 37 years, nine months and five days of ownership/occupancy.

David taught high school math at the Edwards-Knox Central School for 33 years, starting at Edwards in 1973 and retiring in 2006.  Marcia was a remedial reading and math teacher at Gouverneur Central's East Side Elementary School from 1982 until her retirement in 2012.  

In 2004 we bought a property on the North Shore Road of Pillar Point, in the town of Brownville, that has been in David's family since 1939.  His grandfather Schryver built the cabin there that came to be known to the family as the cottage.  Over the next seven years, we did considerable renovations in anticipation of building on and making it our year-round home.  That happened in 2012.

In March 2016, after renting for two winters and part of another, we bought a winter home in Florida.  Located in Tippecanoe Village in Zephyrhills, we are now snowbirds, spending the winter in a 55+ community.

We have three children.  Our oldest is Kristin.  She lives in the Winchester, Virginia area with her spouse, Mel, and their two daughters, Lilianna and Emily.  She is currently a stay-at-home mom but has recently taken on a part-time job teaching and coaching gymnastics in a local facility.

Our son, David Jr., lives in Canton, New York.  He has three sons, Gavin, Gage and Goodwin and two step daughters, Allison and Aida.  David is president of the Proact Division of KPH Healthcare Services.  This is a pharmacy benefits manager and mail order pharmacy business.  The retail pharmacy Kinney Drugs is probably the best known division of KPH.  By the way, the "K" in KPH represents Kinney Drugs and the "P" stands for Proact.  There are a number of other divisions in the company.

Our youngest is Miranda.  She is the supervising pharmacist at the Kinney Drugs store in Canton and lives in Potsdam, New York, with her husband, Aaron.  They have no children and like it that way!  They love to travel as evidenced by trips to Iceland, Dubai and Columbia in 2023.

Our Hobbies
During our married life, we have enjoyed camping, our motorcycles, ham radio, wine and beer making.  Some of our current diversions include travelinglighthouses and waterfalls.  In addition, Marcia relaxes by reading and gardening and has recently gotten into quilting.  David enjoys family genealogy and plays guitar in a jam group every week while home in the north country and in two or three different groups while in Florida during the winter.
In 2006, David started getting interested in hiking into waterfalls.  Over the next several years, that became a regular activity with us and it led to the creation of something that has become quite popular, the website  Through a number of fortunate occurrences, in the fall of 2010, David began a collaboration with two other men who also run waterfall websites.  The book Waterfalls of New York State came from these efforts.  It was published in August 2012.
Since then, David followed up on a long-time desire to write a book about waterfalls in the northern portion of New York State.  In fact, he has written five more.  The first three were released in 2017.  Roadside Falls of Northern New York, Volume 1, the Tri-Counties, focuses on falls in the western part of Northern New York, Jefferson, Lewis and St. Lawrence Counties.  Roadside Falls of Northern New York, Volume 2, The Adirondacks covers five counties in the north eastern portion of the region and Roadside Falls of Northern New York, Volume 3, The Mohawk Valley details drops in seven counties across the middle of the state north of the Mohawk River.  Backyard Cascades of Northern New York was published in 2019.  This details a number of privately owned waterfalls throughout the North County that the author has had the privilege of being invited to view and photograph.  Many of these are not typically accessible to the general public.  Finally, Hiking the Adirondack Waterfalls, released in 2021, directs you to more remote and challenging locations, the majority of which are located within the Adirondack Park.

These are all available through and at a number of book and gift shops throughout the Adirondack and northern region.  Autographed copies can be purchased on his on-line bookstore,

Due to a number of factors, four of the above titles were released as second editions in 2023.
As mentioned above, we have enjoyed traveling and visiting lighthouses throughout our married life.  We have somewhat lost track of exact numbers, but a conservative estimate would be that we have seen towers in at least 22 states.  After completing his sixth and final waterfall book in 2021, he branched out and started creating lighthouse guidebooks.

Our Little Florida Lighthouse Book was released in November 2021 and the next month saw the release of Our Little Lower Atlantic Lighthouse Book. The latter of these two covers the beacons in the states of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia.

Our Little Mid-Atlantic Lighthouse Book (New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware and eastern Pennsylvania), Our Little New York State Lighthouse Book and Our Little Maine Lighthouse Book were all published in 2022.

Our Little Western New England Lighthouse Book (Connecticut, Rhode Island, Vermont and New Hampshire), was released in 2024. 
Our Little New York Metro Lighthouse Book (New York City and Long Island) is scheduled to be released later this year.

The plan calls for Our Little Massachusetts Lighthouse Book to come out 2025.  After that, we plan to work our way westward and create books on lighthouses covering the Great Lakes states.

Like his waterfall books, the lighthouse guidebooks are available through, book and gift shops throughout Northern New York and on his on-line bookstore,
The Schryver Family Genealogy
Our branch of the Schryver family descended from Albartus and Eva Lauermann Schryver.   Coat of ArmsThey originally spelled the name Schreiber, but changed it after they came to America in 1709.  As the family tree has branched over the past three centuries, some family members have changed the name and we have found other spellings such as Schriver, Schriber, Scriver, Scriber and Shriver.  A major focus of this web site is dedicated to the family genealogy.  This is and probably will be a work in progress for some time.  If you are a Schryver or a descendent of the Schryver family in any of its spelling variations, you might be interested in checking out our genealogy website,  Likewise, if you have information to share on the "family", we would be more than interested in including it here. 
Fourth Coast Creations
On the side during his teaching career, David did a lot of computer consulting and in-service training.  He has also designed and maintained web sites for communities, organizations and businesses for many years.  He now conducts a formal website design, development and maintenance business under the name Fourth Coast Creations.

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Website design, maintenance and hosting by David J. Schryver